Date and Time
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM MDT
AGM: Thursday, June 27th at 4:00 PM
Deadline to RSVP: Tuesday, June 25th by 5:30 PM
Proxy Forms Due: Monday, June 24th by 9:00 PM
Please email your form to Executive Assistant, Laura LaForge, at llaforge@edmontonchamber.com by the deadline.
6th Floor - Edmonton Chamber of Commerce
9990 Japer Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
Complimentary - Members Only

Please save the date for the 2024 Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting! This AGM will be the first for our new CEO Doug Griffiths and will be his first opportunity to update to the community on the future of the Edmonton Chamber and his vision to continue to support our business community.
All members of good standing are invited to attend this virtual AGM. Please note, that each member company will be entitled to one vote as official representation at the meeting.
The program will be as follows:
- 4:00 PM - Welcoming remarks
- 4:15 PM - 2023 Audited Financial Statements Presentation
- 5:00 PM - Guest Speaker, Doug Griffiths, CEO and President of the Edmonton Chamber and Author of bestselling book, 13 Ways to Kill Your Community.
You must RSVP by Monday, June 24th at 5:30 PM.