Date and Time
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM MST
January 30, 2025
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Register at https://www.knowitsooner.com/event-details/stop-fighting-with-microsoft-word-1
You will receive a Zoom link after you register
Early Bird Deadline December 15 - $39
Regular Price - $49
Contact Information
Joanne Swensrude
Send Email
Do you find Microsoft Word hard to work with?
Ever insert a picture or text and have it move around and end up somewhere else?
Or you're trying to line up text and it's just not working!! Ugh!
Time to come to this class to see how you can handle these issues!
The only pre-requisite is that you have a computer with Word on it so you can practice along during the session or afterwards.
You will want to watch the session on a tablet or computer, not your phone.