Date and Time
Friday Oct 25, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM MDT
9:30AM - Registration
10:00AM - 11:00AM - Workshop
World Trade Centre
9990 Jasper Ave #600, Edmonton, AB T5J 1P7
Contact Information
Akanksha Bhatnagar, Director of Communications & Public Relations
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Presented by KBH Chartered Professional Accountants, join us for a discussion on how small businesses can adapt to changing market conditions and consumer sentiment. With consumers increasingly looking to businesses who support local, build ethical alliances, and mirror their values, there is a mounting pressure for innovation while increasing profitability and maximizing financial strategies to doing so.
Shabir Ladha, KBH Chartered Professional Accountants
Peter Keith, Meuwly’s
Amanda Gomes, White Rabbit Creative
Parking Options
Chamber Parking Lot (9924 Jasper Avenue NW, Lot #4): Located right beside our building for easy event access.
* this lot will fill up quickly
Thorton Court Parking - Precise ParkLink: Directly across the street, offering additional parking close by.
Edmonton Public Library Parkade: Just a short walk from our venue, providing covered parking.