Date and Time
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM MDT
The Sutton Place Hotel
10235 101 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9
Members: $35
General Admission: $45
Table of 8:
Members: $280
General Admission: $360

Entrepreneurs are fueled by a great idea, passion and the desire to bring their product or service to the masses. Expanding to new markets, whether it’s nationally or internationally, can provide entrepreneurs and their organization with new opportunities – however, there are many factors to consider. From tax and legal to sales and marketing, where does the market entry process begin? What are the challenges to exporting?
Join us for a conversation with three local entrepreneurs who have recently completed Canada's Trade Accelerator Program (TAP) – a dynamic, hands-on six-week workshop for SMEs providing essential resources and coaching to develop and execute an export plan. As these organizations have expanded to new global markets (or made the strategic choice to remain local), this panel discussion will explore their lessons learned, insights and challenges in the export process – as well as provide updates as to where they are now!
Moderator: Rob Lajoie, VP, AB North, BDC
- Judd Kruger, Director of Finance, SureHire Inc.
- Kathy Leskow, Owner, Confetti Sweets
- Keenan Pascal, CEO, Token Naturals Ltd.