Date and Time
Friday Jul 21, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM MDT
8:30 AM - Doors open, live painting begins
9:00 AM - Event begins
10:30 AM - Backstage Tours
Location: Shoctor Theatre Lobby
2nd Floor Citadel Theatre
9828 101A Avenue
Parking not included:
Options here:
Members: $10.00
Future Members: $20.00
Coffee with the Chamber: Arts Edition, presented by the Citadel Theatre with special guests the Art Gallery of Alberta and the Winspear Centre/Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. 9-1030am. Bringing vibrancy back to downtown Edmonton, these three Arts District centrepieces and Chamber members are teaming up to showcase what’s merely blocks apart! And find out about the support provided by the Edmonton Arts Council.
Learn about live theatre, art and music and performances while making valuable connections with local business influencers. Watch world-renowned Chamber member Giselle Denis perform her Live Painting Experience with other business influencers and see art from Chamber member Areej Azam of Baraka Art. Backstage tours of the Citadel to follow:
Special offers and over $2100 in prizes include: Citadel Theatre: a 48 hour, discount price code on performances; two prize sets of 4 tickets to The Sound of Music and A Christmas Carol. Art Gallery of Alberta: AGA Art Package prize which includes a vase, platter and plate ceramic set by Alberta artist Janet Grabner, a $150 shopAGA gift card, two complimentary admissions. Winspear/ESO: limited offer discount on ESO tickets, prize of one set of tickets for ESO 23/24 season. Edmonton Arts Council: $100 gift certificate good for products and tickets available at its Churchill Square retail store. A gym membership and gift bags from Planet Fitness and prizes from Alberta Injury Management Inc.
We're excited to welcome back PACT Coffee to provide hot and cold refreshments and introduce Italian Centre Shop, which will be providing delicious pastries. Thanks to our videography partner Walter Tychnowicz and his Wiresharp Photography.
Members and non-members welcome.