Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST
Courses running daily, Typical start time is 8am-9am.
11710 Kingsway Ave, Edmonton
Emergency First Aid $115+GST
Standard First Aid $150+GST
First Aid Recertification $120+GST
Contact Information
Jazmine Struthers
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Member Event:
First Aid Training
Basic first aid skills can help you properly care for a broken arm or can make a difference between life and death. We all hope we never come across such extreme emergency situations, but imagine if you did and you didn’t know how to help. Taking first aid training such as Emergency First Aid or Standard First Aid will teach you how to correctly deal with minor injuries and give you the skills and confidence you need to prepare you for serious medical emergencies.
Our first aid courses include: