Date and Time
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
June 20, 2023, at 11 AM.
None for online access
Contact Information
Laurie Morin
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Join like-minded individuals online and in-person – from health, education, research, and aligned fields in a thought-provoking symposium that can be enjoyed either virtually or in person!
This year, our 2023 Symposium theme is “Empathy Towards a More Caring World. “
Without an empathic citizenry, you cannot have a caring society. A caring society aspires to leave no one out. Its citizens respond to the needs of others, understanding that it strengthens the whole. When our societies are more empathic, they are more caring, resulting in less aggression, improved mental health, and more equality — whether at the level of the classroom or the boardroom. Although humankind might be able to solve global issues, such as climate change, homelessness and hunger, we won’t have the motivation to do so if we don’t care about one another.