Date and Time
Saturday Jul 8, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT
Saturday July 8, 9am to noon
$55+GST for teen girls
$65+GST for women

"Stay Away" Women's Krav Maga seminar deals with situations from a woman's daily routine, point out scenarios where threat may appear and teaches, systematically, how to maintain your calm defend yourself counter attack and eliminate danger. Women self defense Krav Maga sector logically concentrates on sexual assault scenarios, as they are the central threat for women. As this issue is highly disturbing and sometimes difficult to discuss women self defense techniques involve substantial emotional training to insure women they are posses the ability to defend themselves, foster self confidence and also necessary aggressiveness. Defenses have been modified to accommodate women's physiques and state of mind. Additional issues included in women self defense have to do with home invasion, third side protection (protecting your children) and using common objects (keys, handbag etc.) to block the assailant and counterattack. Taught by guest instructor Paula Meyers (E4) from the USA, who is the highest ranking IKMF instructor in North America and the highest ranking Female IKMF instructor in the world!