Waste Management
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
About Us
Eco-Now Consulting Ltd.
A Better Way to Manage Your Waste and Recycling
It is becoming increasingly difficult to manage waste and recycling programs. Ask yourself the following questions:
• Do you have the right service offerings for your business?
• Have your rates increased substantially over the years?
• Have you received price increases that you don’t find fair? If so what if anything can you do?
• Are you paying questionable surcharges and fees?
• Are you being overserviced and don’t even realize?
• When is the last time you looked at your invoice – are there extra charges you did not authorize or agree to?
• When is the last time you spoke to or heard from your hauler?
• Are you compliant with all government regulations and by-laws?
Eco-Now offers a complimentary audit and assessment of your current waste program that will answer the questions above and provide solutions that are tailored to your needs and requirements. The audit is completed at no charge and there is no obligation to move forward with us.
Eco-Now's goals are to work with business owners to Save them Money and make their lives easier by managing their waste. This will free up your time to do what you do best, manage your business.
Contact us now to get a free assessment completed!
- Experts in Waste in Recycling
- Save Money on your Waste Needs
- Recycling
- Organics
- Audits and assessments