
Business & Professional Services
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Weekends and statutory holidays
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About Us
Without valid policies, your organization is at risk. We are Canadian compliance experts. Headquartered in Edmonton, we provide the policies and related documents Canadian companies need to achieve compliance, control risk, and direct employees. Get the documents you need to achieve your goals. Contact us today.
We provide fully-customized products and services that include:
1. Governance: corporate bylaws | society bylaws | board policies | regulatory compliance analysis
2. Human resources: policies | procedures | employee handbooks
3. Health & safety: policies | SOPs | SWPs | formal hazard assessments | risk registers | system manuals | forms & checklists | COR support
4. Information security / technology / management: policies | procedures | ISO 27001 support
5. Privacy protection: policies | procedures | privacy impact assessments
6. Finance and accounting: policies | procedures | forms & checklists
Contact us today to schedule a discovery meeting with our President, Murray Whitby. Or call 587-372-7777 to reach Murray directly.

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