Arts, Culture & Entertainment
Tuesday-Friday 12pm-6pm, Saturday 12pm-5pm.
About Us
SNAP (Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists) is a legacy and landmark arts organization/nonprofit/charity of the Edmonton ecosystem since 1982. We cultivate creativity and foster relationships through supporting, educating, and exhibiting the art of printmaking, in all its traditional and contemporary forms. We have 2 galleries, 12 individual studios, and 4000+ sq feet of a collective print studio. We exhibit local, national, and international artists at various stages of their careers. We run artist residencies, have a robust educational program for all levels, and host celebratory community events where all are welcome.
Creative spaces and encouraging folks to have creative pursuits isn't just about supporting artists. It's about cultivating compassionate people who are incredible problems-solvers — which the world always need more of.