Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT
Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM
Cost: $87 - ACR Members, $95 - Future ACR Members
Event Description: Environmental Forum - Water Use Adaptation
Join us for an engaging and informative Environmental Forum focused on "Water Use Adaptation." This event will bring together industry leaders, innovators, and government officials to discuss strategies, innovations, and collaborative efforts to address water use challenges and adaptation in Alberta. Attendees will gain insights into water efficiency, technological advancements, and strategic initiatives to enhance water security and sustainability.
Event Details:
Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM
Cost: $87 - Members, $95 - Future Members
Speakers and Presentations:
Margo Jarvis Redelback Executive Director, Alberta Irrigation Districts Association
Presentation Title: Water Use Efficiency and Adaptation in Alberta’s Irrigation Districts
Summary: Margo Javis Redelback will explore the extensive water delivery system in southern Alberta, which mitigates climate variability and supports agricultural production. The presentation will detail technological advancements over the past century, improvements in water efficiency, and additional infrastructure activities to support adaptation to future extreme climate events.
Vicki Lightbown Director, Water Innovation Program, Alberta Innovates
Presentation Title: How Innovation is Helping Alberta Adapt to a Changing Water Future
Summary: Vicki Lightbown will provide an overview of Alberta Innovates and its Water Innovation Program. She will highlight recent innovations with significant near-term impacts and discuss the future of water innovation in Alberta.
Roger Ramcharita Executive Director, Southern Region, EPA, Government of Alberta
Presentation Title: Learnings from Drought 2024 and Directions for Water Management in Alberta: A Government View
Summary: Roger Ramcharita will present an overview of Drought 2024, sharing how Albertans managed the drought, along with successes, learnings, and opportunities for improvement. He will also discuss the Government of Alberta’s water management priorities moving forward.
Alison Regan, P.Eng. SCMP Director of Projects, WaterSMART Solutions Ltd.
Presentation Title: Collaborative Watershed Management in the South Saskatchewan and North Saskatchewan River Basins
Summary: Alison Regan will discuss the use of collaborative modeling to assess sustainable water management at the basin-wide level. She will highlight recent work in the South Saskatchewan River Basin and ongoing efforts in the North Saskatchewan River Basin, focusing on strategic projects and initiatives that support sustainable economic development.
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